Online Help for


"Start GSHAP-Data Mapping Online"

Short description

GMO is a web-based HTML-form that allows the user to create own GSHAP data maps based on data of the GSHAP world map. Requests for GSHAP data maps will be sent to our server for further processing. GMO creates maps with the available GSHAP data of any geographical region. Different types of legends can also be selected. Additional features like topography, rivers, overview maps, etc. can be added.

Possible output formats are PostScript (ps), PortableDocumentFormat (pdf), or JPEG Bitmap (jpg). The requested map can be downloaded as a compressed file (tgz - zipped tar file).

How to quote the GSHAP Global Seismic Hazard Map

However, if you use the GSHAP maps or data in publications, please do not forget to quote the GSHAP data.
Please reference the map with:

Giardini, D., Grünthal, G., Shedlock, K. M. and Zhang, P.: The GSHAP Global Seismic Hazard Map. In: Lee, W., Kanamori, H., Jennings, P. and Kisslinger, C. (eds.): International Handbook of Earthquake & Engineering Seismology, International Geophysics Series 81 B, Academic Press, Amsterdam, 1233-1239, 2003.

Last but not least, special thanks to Paul Wessel and Walter H.F. Smith for their great mapping tool GMT (Wessel & Smith, 1991). The plate boundaries shown in the maps are by courtesy of Peter Bird (Bird, 2003). The data related to his global plate boundary model are vailabe on his ftp-site.

Page Setup

Paper Size

Possible values: A4, A3, Letter, or Tabloid.
The paper size is not necessarily the size of your map, but constrains the map dimension (e.g. the width). The other map dimension (e.g. the length) depends on the map projection.

Paper Orientation:

Possible values: Portrait (longer side up), or Landscape (shorter side up)
Note: If you want to import the produced ps file into another graphics software, Portrait is recommended.

General Map Properties


Possible values: Mercator, Lambert (azimuthal equal area), Lambert (conic conformal), or Albers (conic equal area). For further details, please, look at the GMT website, where all projections are explained in detail.


Possible values: Color, Grey scale.

Major rivers, Political boundaries, Plate boundaries, Gridlines

Colors: Major rivers: light blue; Political boundaries: pink; Plate boundaries: black; Gridlines: black (Fig. 1).

Note: The political boundaries are not always up-to-date. The plate boundaries shown in the maps are by courtesy of Peter Bird (Bird, 2003). The data of his global plate boundary model PB2002 are availabe from his ftp-site.

Gridlines: For longitude and latitude differences greater than 8° the number of gridlines will be 5, otherwise 2.

Region to plot

Possible values: longitude [-180..180], latitude[-90..90].
You can specify the range of your map. The values represent the geographical coordinates of the map boundaries (Fig. 1). Longitudes west of the zero meridian (Greenwich) are counted negative (down to -180°), longitudes east of it positive (up to 180°). Latitudes south of the equator are counted negative (down to -90°), north of it positive (up to 90°).
Note: Be careful with very high (near 90°) or very low (near -90°) latitudes because in Mercator projection these regions appear extremly distort (N-S lengthening).

Figure 1: Map of Central America (West=-120, East=-50, North=40, South=5) including a global overview map.

Inserted Overview Map

Possible values for the position of the overview map are the four corners: Upper left, Upper right, Lower left, Lower right.

Range of overview map

Longitude/Latitude values for the overview map are counted in the same way as for the main map.

GSHAP map legend

It lists the plotted color code for the peak ground acceleration .

Figure 3a: Legend for the GSHAP map using the original color code

Figure 3b: Legend for the GSHAP map using the GFZ color code

Figure 3c: Legend for the GSHAP map using the GFZ continous color code

File Format

You have the possibilitiy to get your GSHAP data map as ps, pdf or jpg file. The compressed file can be downloaded as zipped tar file archive.

Selected data as ASCII file

You can get the data plotted on your GSHAP data map as compressed ASCII file (Fig. 5).

Figure 5: ASCII file containing the GSHAP data.